
How can I get involved?

ExVac is run entirely by students and there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved!


Holiday Leaders: help lead one of the holidays that we run each year. Holiday leaders act as a role model to the children and make sure the week runs smoothly. Each week has eight leaders which creates our 1:2 leader-to-child ratio, allowing every child to receive individual attention and get the most out of this new experience. Being a holiday leader is an incredible experience and applications are now closed for Holiday Leader positions. Please contact our current committee for more information


Fundraising Events: There are so many ways to get involved with supporting ExVac even if you don’t want to be a holiday leader. ExVac run several fundraising events each term, including ExVac cocktails, karaoke, and Valentine’s Day carnations! We welcome anyone who wants to participate in any of our events. For more information about events please click here.


ExVac Executive Committee: Another way to get involved with ExVac is to apply to our committee. Applications run in Trinity Term each year. For more information about committee positions please click here.